Sunday, September 21, 2008

Preschool Drop out again!!

Well Kerrigan is so afraid of doing something to get into trouble that she doesn't want to go to school again!! She said a little boy in her class got in trouble and she got in trouble for looking at him. I believe that any voice above a whisper that is not a compliment makes her insecure and think that the teacher doesn't like her! Poor girl just like her momma!!! Peyton is playing on an all star volleyball team (like her momma also!!!!Yeah!!) and doing so well. We are thrilled. Carson is just growing and growing and talking. Her new favorites are "bye bye baby" when daddy goes to work or Peyton goes to bed, any time she can use it she does!! Good girl is a favorite and she is such the kiss giver. So loving. If I can say a positive thing that all my little girls have in common it is their tender hearts and loving ways, even when they are mean we just know how beautiful they are! I know I'm forgetting a lot but I am so busy! Take care and see ya!

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