Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kerrigan and Doggy update

Well Hannah washed up after the intense rains we had last week. No bullet holes or anything that we could see. I was so sad and couldn't sleep thinking that Brian had walked right past her and she was suffering! I have such a tender heart sometimes I think it will be the death of me. Kerrigan is going to have a tooth pulled on Tuesday morning. When she was not quite 2 this had to be done due to an accident and then just continued decay after that. We were at Children's and she had an intense reaction that started with labored breathing and led into a racing heartrate (242 bpm) for 4 hours. The pediatrician informed us that 24 hours was the maximum her heart could last at that rate. I was mortified and couldn't stop throwing up and having diarrhea. Now here we go again! Her pediatrician said not to worry about the teeth because they were just baby teeth but now it is absecced so we have to do it. I am about to go crazy. We are with a wonderful pediatric dentist (not the one from Cincy Children's) The other 2 need to go too (her 4 front all together) but the doctor wants to make sure that it was an overdose of novacaine not a reaction so she will only do the one this time rather than risk that situation all over again! Talk about a nervous break down, I am heading that way. Now because of that we will be doing the procedure 2 times, as if it isn't hard enough to con them into "getting their teeth brushed" the first time! Pray for us, I sure am.

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